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Cyber Florist
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Outdoor Cooking

How to Eat Artichokes

Artichoke is a low-calorie nutritious vegetable that contains fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and High Level of Antioxidants. Follow these step-by-step recommendations on how to prepare and eat delicious artichokes (French Style). Once you cook them you can eat artichokes hot or cold. You can also store them in your refrigerator for several days after cooking them. While the images below show baby artichokes, you can use the same method for larger artichokes. I prefer baby artichokes because they hardly have any fuzzy choke.

1. Prepare Vinaigrette

Mix 2 tbsp oil and 1 tbsp vinegar in a small dish and add salt and pepper to taste. Optionally, you can use mayonnaise instead of oil & vinegar.
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2. Eat Fleshy Portion

Artichokes are delicious hot or cold. Pull off a leaf and dip in your vinaigrette. Pull through teeth and remove fleshy portion of the leaf then through away the rest of the leaf.
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3. Leaves Closer to Heart

When you get closer to the heart, artichoke leaves are much softer and can be pulled together. Dip in your vinaigrette & pull through teeth to remove fleshy portion.
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4. Fuzzy Choke

When you are done pulling off all the leaves, use a knife or spoon to remove the non-eatable fuzzy choke (hairy fibers that cover the artichoke heart). Unlike the larger artichokes, baby artichokes have hardly any fuzzy choke.
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5. Artichoke Heart

Dip artichoke hearts into your vinaigrette and enjoy!
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