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Baby Artichokes

Artichoke is a low-calorie nutritious vegetable that contains fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and High Level of Antioxidants. Follow these step-by-step recommendations on how to prepare, boil, and eat delicious artichokes (French Style). Once you cook them you can eat artichokes hot or cold. You can also store them in your refrigerator for several days after cooking them. While the images below show baby artichokes, you can use the same method for cooking larger artichokes. I prefer baby artichokes because they hardly have any fuzzy choke.

1. Rinse & Prepare

Select artichokes that have green leaves and have a firm leaf formation. Rinse each fresh artichoke in cold water.
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Some artichokes may have a thorn on the end of each leaf, so watch out.
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2. Trim Tips

Use a sharp kitchen knife to trim the tips of the leaves. For larger artichokes you can use scissors to trim the tips of each leaf.
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3. Remove Stem

Then remove the stem from the bottom - This will allow you to sit the artichoke upright in a plate. Also, in my house we don't like to eat the step since it's a bit "stringy."

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4. Boil

Place in a pot, cover with water, and add some salt. I also like to add a lemon wedge. Boil for about 20 minutes, or longer for large artichokes (up to 45 minutes). When you can pull a leaf easily or if a sharp knife goes through the Artichoke base easily, the artichoke is fully cooked. Optionally, you can cook the artichoke in a pressure cooker or the microwave instead, but it will not really save you any time.
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5. Cool

Remove from pot and allow to cool, and enjoy! See info on next page on how to eat an artichoke.
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Please send me your requests. I'll post more recipes soon...
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