Favorite Family Recipes
Per your requests, I am adding a few of our favorite family
recipes. I'll add more soon. Cheers...
Baby Artichokes
Artichoke is a low-calorie nutritious vegetable that contains
fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and High Level of
Antioxidants. Follow these step-by-step recommendations on how
to prepare, boil, and eat delicious artichokes (French Style).
Click image on the
right, or click here now.
Also, see info on next page on
how to eat an artichoke.
Beet Soup
Beets have the highest sugar content of all vegetables, yet
are very low in calories. These vegetables contain powerful
nutrient compounds that help protect against heart disease,
birth defects and certain cancers, especially colon cancer.
Follow this easy to follow step-by-step recipe for a great
soup. Eat hot or cold.
image on the right or click here now.
Quick Gourmet Potato
The most perfect gourmet potato that is quickly prepared is
delightful. Follow this easy to follow step-by-step recipe for
a perfect potato every time.
image on the right or click here now.
Please send me your requests. I'll post more recipes soon...